The Exaltation Community
The term “Exaltation” means to exalt, to praise, to honor, to glorify, and to worship. The object of our worship is God. Since He inhabits the praises of His people, the Exaltation Community aims to glorify God in each of their respective ministries; to adhere to the 2019 theme ("A Valuable Life" Romans 12:2) established by the Senior Pastor; to be on one accord and establish cooperative relationships throughout the community; and to be the catalyst and torch bearers for the atmosphere of worship at Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church.
A Valuable Life Romans 12:2

Exaltation Community
Announcement Ministry
The Announcement Ministry seeks to provide information about ministry activities while also extending a message of welcome to guests and members during worship services. There are no scheduled ministry meetings. If interested in being an Announcement Clerk, please send us an email at the address below.
A Valuable Life Romans 12:2
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
Greeters Ministry
The Greeters Ministry shows the love of God to the congregants and guests by offering a friendly smile, a welcoming spirit, and a helpful atmosphere of Christian hospitality. The Greeters Ministry meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:30p.m., Room 15, Enon East. If interested in joining the Greeters Ministry, please contact us through the email below.
Holy Hands Ministry
The Holy Hands Ministry provides sign language interpretation at the 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship service for members with hearing loss and provides training in signing for adults and youth. The Holy Hands Ministry meets on second Sundays of the month at 12:30p.m., Room 6, Enon East. If interested in joining the Holy Hands Ministry, please contact us through the email below.
Nurses Health Ministry
The mission of the Nurses/Health Ministry is to provide emergent care to our congregants and to support and provide educational programs and resources to promote a healthy and holistic lifestyle in our church and the broader community. The Nurses/Health Ministry meets on third Saturdays of the month at 10:00a.m., Room 15, Enon East. If interested in joining the Nurses/Health Ministry, please contact us through the email below.
Ushers Ministry
The Ushers Ministry serves the kingdom by providing a welcoming and worshipful atmosphere as members and visitors attend worship services and special ministry events. Our charge in the bible is that of a gatekeeper. Ushers are sensitive to the needs of the people and dedicated to the tasks at hand with a positive attitude and to be a testimony of the Lord. The Ushers Ministry meets on second Saturdays of the month at 12:00p.m., Room 15, Enon East.
Audio Visual
The Audio Visual Ministry seeks to enhance the sound and visual aspects of worship services and other church activities through the use of Audio and Visual Technology. The Audio Visual Ministry meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00p.m., Room 15, Enon East.
Interested members should contact Garland Waller for prerequisites. The band rehearses every Thursday afternoon, 4:00p.m., Enon East Sanctuary.
Praise Team
The Praise Team rehearses every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Enon East sanctuary and ministers at all services and special events. Members are selected from the Cell Choirs.
Choir Directors/Directress
Choir Directors and Directresses lead the choir during worship services and provide administrative leadership. Meeting schedule: First Saturday, 3:00p.m. in the Music Office, Enon East.
Comfort Choir
Lay church members and choir members are encouraged to serve at Home-Going Services. Choir meets one hour prior to the Home-Going service at Enon West and attire is solid white top and black skirt for ladies and black pants for men.
Fresh Anointing
Enon’s Young Adult Music Ministry
Fresh Anointing is open to all young adult members of Enon, ages 18-35, who view ministry as an opportunity to accept God’s call to use their spiritual gift of music. Rehearsals are held the Thursday before the 2nd weekend of each month at 6:30p.m. in the Choir Room at Enon East. Subsequently, Fresh Anointing and other young adults throughout the church, lead us in worship across services for Enon's Young Adult (YA) Weekend.
Intercessory Praise Dance Ministry
Intercessory Praise Dance Ministry is an adult dance ministry for females and males ages 40 and older. No dance experience required. Rehearsals are scheduled on Fridays from 6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m., Sanctuary, Enon East.
Male Chorus
The Male Chorus ministers on 3rd Sundays at 6:30a.m. and Worship Service and other Worship Services as assigned. Rehearsals are on Saturday before the first Sunday and Saturday before the third Sunday, 9:00a.m., Choir Room, Enon East. Our Outreach Ministry convenes at the Inglis House every 5th Sunday.
Voices of Faith (VOF)
VOF members are ages from 35 and up, singing contemporary gospel music with rehearsals on the 2nd Wednesday and/or the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30p.m. Our outreach, which is every 4th Sunday, is a major requirement to be on this ministry as well as a commitment to serve when needed.
Praise Unlimited Dance Ministry
The Praise Unlimited Dance Ministry is an adult dance ministry for members with previous dance training and experience. Rehearsals are Mondays, 6:30p.m - 9:00p.m. Worship at all 4th weekend services.
Senior Choir
The Senior Choir specializes in hymns, anthems, and spirituals and rehearses on Saturdays before the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
Unity Choir
The Unity Choir rehearsals are held on every second and fourth Wednesday of the month 6:30pm in the Enon East choir room.
Photography Ministry
Provide a photographic archive of events held in and around the church. On some occasions, these photographs are used by congregants to promote other church activities as a source of encouragement for participation. The Photography Ministry meets 1st Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
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