Preservation Community
The Preservation Community is a community where we grow in relationship with our Lord and Savior as we grow in fellowship with each other. When we think of fellowship we think of the word “koinonia” is a Greek word that occurs several times in the Bible. Koinonia’s primary meaning is “fellowship, sharing in common, communion.”
In Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
For us Christian fellowship is a key aspect of the Christian life. Believers in Christ are to come together in love, faith, and encouragement. That is the essence of “koinonia.”
What We Do
The Preservation Community will create opportunities for each of us to develop relationships that will help keep us connected to the church and with each other. The Preservation Community will create opportunities for each of us to meet others who share similar thoughts, ideas, feelings, and passions, but it will be more than just that. God has a design for His church to be a place where there is a fellowship of different and differences among its people: a mixture of people from all over the spectrum (men and women, rich and poor, different races and ethnicities to be one big family of believers. We bring what we share in common and what we share differently together to worship and to encourage each other in Christ.

Preservation Community
Bowlers Fellowship
The mission of the Bowling Fellowship is for our minds, bodies, and spirits to be fed by Word and Works. The Word is guiding our hands. The Works refers to our physical Fellowship with one another. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at Thunderbird Lanes, 5830 Castor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.19149
Couples Fellowship
The Couples Fellowship’s goal is to enrich marriages through the study of God’s Word. The Couples Ministry provides a positive forum to help you and your spouse have a more fulfilling and joyous relationship. Using biblical principles as the road map, we provide tools and exercises to enhance your marriage in areas of love, finances, raising children, interacting with the in-laws, the duties in the home, and so much more. The ministry meets at Enon West (230 West Coulter Street Philadelphia, Pa.) in the Lower Sanctuary every second Friday at 7:00pm.
Enon at the Arts
Enon at the Arts is designed to bring opportunities for people to fellowship outside the church: an opportunity to intertwine with communities in the body of Christ. Further, it is our mission to have the opportunity to get to know the congregation and share your love of the Arts. Meetings are scheduled as needed with the Associate Pastor or Servant Leader.
Also known as Ball 4 Christ. It’s an intramural basketball league for youth ages 5-13 & 14-17. The older group meet on Friday evenings from 6-9pm while the younger ones meet on Saturday mornings from 9-12. Both groups partake in bible study & mentoring in addition to court play. Signups begin in October, and the league play goes from December to late March.
Enon Prayer Line Ministry
The Prayer Line Ministry actively encourages and ministers to the hearts and minds of people seeking to hear a word, confirmation, or edification from God. By submitting ourselves and being responsive to the workings of the Holy Spirit, we enter into a time of devotion and prayer for each other as well as the larger body at large. Meetings are held quarterly on Saturdays at Enon East from 10:00am-12:00pm (Room TBD)
Men of Enon
(MOE) Their mission is to build a community of Christian men to support and enrich the evangelism effort of the church. Through Christian fellowship, prayer, and study of God’s Word, the Men of Enon support each other by way of their Christian walk and reach out into the community to connect with other Men who are unsaved. The hope is that our God-given influence will help Men to recognize and understand the glory of God and the goodness of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We meet regularly for Men’s only Bible Study on first Wednesdays at 7:00pm at Enon East and on Sundays begin at 8:30am for Men’s Sunday School.
Men of Issachar
(MOI) The Men of Issachar are charged with the responsibility of protecting, supporting, and serving God’s people and His church safely. The day to day mission is for the (MOI) to provide safety and safety functions to all Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church (ETBC) members, officials, guests, visitors, family, and friends, as well as to minister and serve a positive presence in the church and community. Meetings are held every second Wednesday, in Room 11 at Enon east at 6:00pm.
O Taste and See
This is a Christian-based culinary ministry that seeks to educate members with hands-on instruction and demonstrations. The areas of focus will include food safety, proper nutrition, food preparation, and delectable flavoring and presentation of food. Meetings are held 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month (September thru June) at Enon West, (230 West Coulter Street Philadelphia, Pa.) in the Lower Sanctuary beginning at 6:30pm.
Seniors Fellowship
The mission of the Senior Fellowship ministry is to be positive role models by helping others, giving of ourselves, sharing our time, energy, wisdom, and experience with the young at heart. We meet every 3rd Wednesday in the Family Life Center at Enon East beginning at 9:00am.
She’s My Sister Ministry (SMS)*
This ministry is one that seeks to bring awareness to and assist in combating the horrific crime against humanity, human trafficking. (SMS) engages in prayer, advocacy, awareness raising and outreach in the community. They endeavor to be a beacon of light and serves as a resource in the Philadelphia faith community. We meet every 1st Saturday of each month (September-June) at 10:30am at Enon East. *Training is required to participate in all outreach efforts.
Young Sisters In Christ
Young Sisters in Christ provide fellowship and Bible Study opportunities to assist in the strengthening to spiritual development of teen girls (ages 13-17). This ministry also endeavors to equip teen girls for Kingdom service, develop greater intimacy with God, strengthen friendships with other teen girls, and provide opportunities for service and reaching our community for Christ. Meetings are held every 2nd Monday at Enon West, (230 West Coulter Street Philadelphia, Pa.) in the Main Sanctuary beginning at 7:00pm.
Sisters in Christ Ministry
Sisters in Christ provide fellowship and Bible Study opportunities to assist in the strengthening to spiritual development of women. This ministry also endeavors to equip women for Kingdom service, develop greater intimacy with God, strengthen friendships with other women, and provide opportunities for service and reaching our community for Christ. Meetings are held every 2nd Monday at Enon West, (230 West Coulter Street Philadelphia, Pa.) in the Main Sanctuary beginning at 7:00pm.
Temple Builders Ministry
The Temple Builders mission is to provide spiritual-based fitness programs that focus on the ideal of honoring the human body as a fit, healthy temple of God. The fellowship of Enon members and friends is designed to encompass biblical principles that lead to a healthy lifestyle of exercise and nutrition. Meetings are held on Wednesdays, in the Family Life Center at 7:15pm (Zumba Class).
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